Inspiration #30 - Haunted

Hello and welcome to round thirty of the ACoLab!  Thank you to everyone who submitted their creations inspired by the word "Haunted".  I was hoping to gather some of the Halloween spirit and as usual am loving the diversity- photographs, music, a movie, and fiction too!  As always, please click on an artist's name or visit the Artists Page for more information about a particular entry or person. 

Brooding Brothers

Movie and soundtrack
by John

Haunted by...

13 kinds of ghost
a collection of haunted hint fiction by Tia and Matt
{hint fiction - “a story of 25 words or fewer that suggests a larger, more complex story.” (Robert Swartwood)}
She watched the execution dry-eyed, one hand to her stomach.

Feels No Cold
Laughter echoed through each room of the house. He prayed none of it would make it into his boxes.

She still remembers the text message. “I am sorry I cannot meet you forever. I am sorry I have to cheat you. -Alessio”

Untitled (2 Years Later)
Charlie flicked dirt to cover her droppings. She sniffed that hard white thing before her. It looked like what the dog chewed, only much smaller.

Her Eyes
Hollowed-out, a pale blue that seemed to suggest an ocean behind the irises. They search their surroundings wildly, seeking something unspeakable.

Speak to Me
Anne, where are you? I can’t see anything, but I hear something. I think it’s breathing.

The leftover rain made drippity sounds. They lulled her and the children to sleep, the 3 in one bed together.
‘S how they were found.

Lest Ye Become
Barnes was certain that was his own face staring at him, reflected in the dark pool of blood on the street.

The wind sounded like a scream and brought smells of burning. Celia watched her little ones play dolly. She failed to see the needle.

The mirror was cool under her hand at first. The warmth came in the instant before the fingers closed around hers through the glass.

Imaginary Friend
It wasn’t Bella, it was the naughty one. Mommy didn’t understand. Bella tried to mind her beeswax, but the naughty one hated the new baby.

Checking In
Your seat has been prepared in advance, sir. Yes, we knew you’d be along eventually. Now come, join us.

Always and Forever
Smell and warmth in the bed, even on the coldest nights. Ease and happiness in the glow of the bedroom that seems to permeate the darkness until morning, she smiles.
Song {To listen to this song please click "track details" on the widget below}
by Doug
Get this widget | Track details | eSnips Social DNA

Thanks for visiting the Artist's Collaborative Laboratory.  Also, many thanks to Ana for submitting our next inspiration, Light and Shadows!  I hope to see you all back here for that.  Light and Shadows will be due on the 5th of November.  If you would like to participate please do! Happy creating!

New Joy and Haunted Extension

Here is the latest contribution to Teagan's Permanant Inspiration, "Joy".  This photograph comes to us from Ana.    If you would like to contribute to the ACoLab please do.  There are ongoing and monthly inspirations you can contribute to with any form of art...really anything that comes to mind.  The next deadline for the ACoLab has been extended by a few days.  October 23rd is now the deadline to submit for "Haunted". 

Thanks Ana for spreading your take on Joy!  Be sure to visit Ana's artist page to see her other submissions.  As always, thanks for visiting the ACoLab and happy creating!

there are two joyful stories about this photo. the first one is the best. it was the first day this little boy was driving his bicycle without the training wheels (his mother told me). and he was really unstoppable and having so much fun. the second one is the small fact that this shot is my first good 'panning' ever! it's a technique we can do in manual mode, I deliberately chose a slow shutter speed and followed the little racer as he moved from right to left to get the blurred background and his picture sharply in focus. YAY! for both of us

Inspiration #29 - It's All An Illusion

Here are the entries for round 29, It's All An Illusion.  Thanks to everyone who submitted!  I am very excited to see the next round of submissions, Haunted, due on the 20th of October.  Thanks for stopping by and as always, you can click on an artist's name or visit the Artists page to find out more about a particular person or their submission{s}.  If you would like to be a part of the ACoLab you can join in at any time!
Seeing Double
by Ana

It's Just An Illusion
Photograph by Joanna

Photos/Video by Anika & Music by John