I just added the inspirations for the next several months as well as started a page called Extra Inspirations which I hope you all like. If you have any questions just let me know. The submissions you leave for the extra themes will be like your own feature. I will post those when I receive them throughout the month. I also have made deadlines on every 5th and 20th of each month to lessen any confusion. The first deadline for the new year is on the 20th so we all have time to settle back into the new year. I am making it a goal for the new year (I suppose that would be a "New Year's Resolution") to do all of these monthly submissions. We will see... I look forward to seeing what the new year brings and to your creations!
Happy new year!
Round 11 Submissions
I don't know if it was the holiday season, my error in deadline information, or if this was just a big stumper but we lost a couple of regulars this round. However, it was a great turn-out for diversity! I think this might be the most personal I have seen the results. In each case, I had to read the reasoning behind each creation to understand how it was inspired by the video and what made each person create what they did; I love that. I also love the inspiration for this round. Thanks again to Ego for supplying the first video inspiration. Visit Ego's page to see other submissions and also find links to her other projects, they don't disappoint. Now, on to round 11! As usual you can find out more about a particular entry or artist by visiting their artist page. Thanks for visiting the ACoLab. If you would like to participate please do. The next round of inspirations and deadlines will be up by the first of the year. Hope to see you then!
"Balloons Make Her Crazy"
If you would like to subscribe to our mailing list to know up updates you can use the "Submit Here" button on the top left side bar. As I wrote before, new inspirations will be up on by the first of January. Hope to see you in 2001. Happy New Year, may it be inspiring and creative!
"Life Is One Big Intertwining Movie"
photos,video, and story
by Joanna
"ACoLab #11"
A song
Acolab 11 121910.m... |
A photo
A photo
by Stephanie
"Balloons Make Her Crazy"
a photo flip book and a video version of the flip book
by Anika
"Come Get the Treat"
a video
by Ego
If you would like to subscribe to our mailing list to know up updates you can use the "Submit Here" button on the top left side bar. As I wrote before, new inspirations will be up on by the first of January. Hope to see you in 2001. Happy New Year, may it be inspiring and creative!
Oops, my mistake!
When wondering if the video inspiration was too difficult (have not received too many entries this round) a friend told me that it could be because I had put the deadline for 2 weeks earlier, the same week as the post. Oops. Well, because of that and because I have not had time to even work on mine (I know, but that's one of the perks as the administrator!) the deadline is extended through the 19th of December. Sorry about the date mix-up.
Also, your creation does not need to be a video. Remember, whatever the inspiration propels your mind to think then that's great-if it thinks of a memory you can write a story, you can make a dress, take a photo...whatever the inspiration means to you is the important part.
This will be the last round of 2010 by the way. I will be posting new challenges up before the new year and then stick to the dates (the right ones), it's a resolution of mine. Have a happy happy holiday season and hopefully see you back here in a few days!
Also, your creation does not need to be a video. Remember, whatever the inspiration propels your mind to think then that's great-if it thinks of a memory you can write a story, you can make a dress, take a photo...whatever the inspiration means to you is the important part.
This will be the last round of 2010 by the way. I will be posting new challenges up before the new year and then stick to the dates (the right ones), it's a resolution of mine. Have a happy happy holiday season and hopefully see you back here in a few days!
Here (finally) are round 10 submissions! The theme was Dreamland and once again we can see how diverse everyone's imaginations are. Thanks to everyone who submitted and a special welcome to our newest addition, Sara! I encourage you to take a look at Sara's artist page and links and learn a bit more about the newest talent to join the ACoLab. As always, you can learn more about a particular entry or artist by clicking on that artist's name on the left sidebar. The ACoLab is always open to join. The more the merrier! Thanks for visiting, enjoy!
"Postcards from Dreamland"
"Faces in the Sky"
by Ashley
"Serene Dream (land)"
3 photographs and story
by Joanna
Please see Joanna's artist page for the complete entry.
A Wordle
by Andrea
(This was the largest I could replicate this image. Click on the image to link to the full size image.)

"His Dreams"
A Painting
by Vidya
Photos and Story
by Danijela
Please see Danijela's artist page for complete entry.
Please see Danijela's artist page for complete entry.
I dream with this captured moment on the photo.
Different age, different naional background, different languages, different life conditions. Do you see the difference?
It doesn't really exist in their world. It's children's world and my dreamland.
Different age, different naional background, different languages, different life conditions. Do you see the difference?
It doesn't really exist in their world. It's children's world and my dreamland.
"Postcards from Dreamland"
5 Photographs
by Mary Jane
Please see Mary Jane's artist page for complete entry

"Guild Awards Dinner"
by Sara
"Floating Dream Lands"
by Anika
See Anika's artist page for more information about this image.
See Anika's artist page for more information about this image.
And there you have it! Thanks again to all of you who submitted for this round. You really are an inspiration and you make the ACoLab such a fun and interesting place. Hope to see you back here for the next round, the video inspiration is up and ready to inspire. Until then, happy creating!
Artist Page - Sara
Sara's blog is an amazing place to see a wide variety of destinations, flowers, and other pretty photographs. Here is what Sara had to say upon joining the Lab: I normally photograph flowers at the peak of perfection and scenery that I hope reflects how I feel in my blog. I look to this site as a source of inspiration in expanding my artistic view. Have a look at Sara's work for the ACoLab below and be sure to check out her blog, Sara's Fave Photos!
Listings are in order of the most recent submission to the oldest.
Theme ten inspiration: Dreamland
Listings are in order of the most recent submission to the oldest.
Theme ten inspiration: Dreamland
"Guild Awards Dinner"
A friend showed me a new photo technique that looks so dreamlike to me.
Artist Page,
Next inspiration - Number 11
As promised, the inspiration for the eleventh round is a video. I have decided to give a bit more time for this one because, well, to be honest, I think it's kind of challenging. So let me just say for everyone that may be new to the Lab and has been thinking about joining in or for those of you who think it's too hard- don't let the challenge get in the way of creating something for this inspiration. It's open to anything your imagination can come up with- a story, an image, a song, another video, an outfit...whatever this makes you think of! As long as your creation makes sense to you then it's a winner of an idea, submit it!
I also want to say a big THANK YOU to Ego for coming up with this inspiration. She makes fabulously inventive and entertaining short films and also makes equally as imaginative visual creations for her band The White Hills. Take a moment to visit her You Tube page and you will be happy you did. So, here we have the next inspiration...I love this and am clueless still as to what I am going to come up with! The deadline will be December 19th. I will post some future inspirations soon in case you breeze through this one.
I also want to say a big THANK YOU to Ego for coming up with this inspiration. She makes fabulously inventive and entertaining short films and also makes equally as imaginative visual creations for her band The White Hills. Take a moment to visit her You Tube page and you will be happy you did. So, here we have the next inspiration...I love this and am clueless still as to what I am going to come up with! The deadline will be December 19th. I will post some future inspirations soon in case you breeze through this one.
Happy Creating and hope to see what your imagination comes up with!
Theme 9 Submissions
Hi everyone!
This round's theme is "Out of My Element". This theme really showed how we all think completely different things based of the same inspiration. I can honestly say that none of these ideas came to mind when I thought of the inspiration and when I was thinking of what to make and yet they all make sense. So here you have the entries for theme number nine in order of submission, enjoy!
For further information about each entry or to find out more about an artist just click on their name to see their artist page. You can also click on an artist's name located on the left sidebar. You will be able to see all of their previous submissions there as well.
And there you have it, round nine! Thanks to all who submitted. I thought this was a great round full of diversity and personality...I got to know you all just a little bit better! I hope to see you back for the tenth round when the theme will be "Dreamland". The deadline is November 21st. If you have thought about joining in the fun let this tenth round be it! Look forward to seeing what your imaginations come up with!
Happy Creating,
This round's theme is "Out of My Element". This theme really showed how we all think completely different things based of the same inspiration. I can honestly say that none of these ideas came to mind when I thought of the inspiration and when I was thinking of what to make and yet they all make sense. So here you have the entries for theme number nine in order of submission, enjoy!
For further information about each entry or to find out more about an artist just click on their name to see their artist page. You can also click on an artist's name located on the left sidebar. You will be able to see all of their previous submissions there as well.
"Out of My Element"
Photos and story (See artist page for complete entry)
by Joanna
"Out of My Element"
Photograph (See artist page for complete entry)
by Vidya
(Please see artist page for more information)
(Please see artist page for more information)
by Doug
Copernicium 101710... |
"Out of My Element?"
Two Videos & Story
(Please see artist page for the complete entry)
(Please see artist page for the complete entry)
by Andrea
Creating Out of My Element
Glass etching (See artist page for complete entry)
by Anika
And there you have it, round nine! Thanks to all who submitted. I thought this was a great round full of diversity and personality...I got to know you all just a little bit better! I hope to see you back for the tenth round when the theme will be "Dreamland". The deadline is November 21st. If you have thought about joining in the fun let this tenth round be it! Look forward to seeing what your imaginations come up with!
Happy Creating,
Just waiting for google...
I have exceeded my photo limit on Google and am just waiting for the upgrade to take so that I can publish the latest round of ACoLab. It was a very diverse round and I am excited to show you the collection! Be in touch soon!
Theme number 8 - Submissions
Well, looks like this round stumped some of the best of 'em! I received a few messages that it was just too difficult. However, those that did submit, a special thank you and congrats! Joanna was even able to do two submissions!! I thought this was very challenging too, I struggled until the last possible moment. I think that when I was thinking of the idea for this theme I thought "A favorite song...hmm, that could be inspirational." That thought soon turned into "what was I thinking?!" I think that the idea of picking one song out our many favorites ended up being a bit overwhelming. I had to tell myself to pick a song rather than thinking I had to pick the song. Here however are some very creative interpretations of the theme! I hope to see you back in the Lab for round 9. And if you have never participated before please think about doing so...more the merrier! Until then, happy creating!
Round 8 inspiration - "Your favorite song" For more information about each entry just visit that artist's page. Links to artist pages can be found on the left sidebar as well as by clicking the artist's name in this post (the hyperlink). For this special theme I also included a video or audio of the song each artist picked (also located on the artist page).
Empire State of Mind
Rocky Raccoon
Photos and Story
by Joanna
Round 8 inspiration - "Your favorite song" For more information about each entry just visit that artist's page. Links to artist pages can be found on the left sidebar as well as by clicking the artist's name in this post (the hyperlink). For this special theme I also included a video or audio of the song each artist picked (also located on the artist page).
"Why start a battle when you don't have to?"
Story and 8 Photographs
Empire State of Mind
Photograph and Story
by Danijela
My Favorite Song
by Doug
My Favorite Song 1... |
Rocky Raccoon
Photos and Story
by Joanna
No need to bring in the police, or send me to jail
Will you let me out on bail?
I will keep my thoughts clean, read on and that will be seen!
I was just being a goon!
unless you want to bring in a sheriff at a local saloon
in the form of the Beatles song Rocky Racoon!
That would be just dandy!
Tropicalia in Tennessee
Digital Collage
Theme number 7 submissions
Look at this! Submissions for round seven!!
Great variety this round. This is a very interesting collection - The interpretations for the theme of "Full Circle" include paintings, photos, and cooking. The ideas behind the "Full Circle" were interpreted so differently too...just goes to show how we all can see the same inspiration in such different ways. Thanks to all the participants as you make this site a great spot to be inspired to create even more! And a very special welcome to our newest artist, Danijela! To learn more about a particular piece or artist click on that artist's page (links on the left sidebar). To see any of the images larger just click on the image. Thanks for visiting the Lab and without further ado, enjoy.
Inspiration: Full Circle
Great variety this round. This is a very interesting collection - The interpretations for the theme of "Full Circle" include paintings, photos, and cooking. The ideas behind the "Full Circle" were interpreted so differently too...just goes to show how we all can see the same inspiration in such different ways. Thanks to all the participants as you make this site a great spot to be inspired to create even more! And a very special welcome to our newest artist, Danijela! To learn more about a particular piece or artist click on that artist's page (links on the left sidebar). To see any of the images larger just click on the image. Thanks for visiting the Lab and without further ado, enjoy.
Inspiration: Full Circle
"Around the World"
Photo and digital creation
by Ashley
"Family Generations"
2 Photos and Poem
by Joanna
Yesterday is prehistory
which follows history
and comes before a tomorrow's mystery
sounds very blistery
and I suppose it is, as each one is a story in itself!
A cake has some similarity
it doesn't always give satiety
you can be the first, last, or somewhere in the middle
and even when you are the icing on the top, being a slice can be a fiddle
It can be a comfort and delight
a support to tell you everything will be alright
indeed a powerful might
and like generations before, gone in a flash!
"Full Circle"
Beat Heart Cookies
by Vidya
"Full Circle"
30 Photographs
by Anika
"Full Circle"
by Danijela
"Full Circle"
Painting & Poem
by Angela
Toes curl around;
Line up behind heels,
Looking up at the rainbow
Line up behind heels,
Looking up at the rainbow
That brought back my smile.
"Full Circle"
by Stephanie
There you have it, round seven! Thanks again to everybody for making it such a great round. I hope to see you all again for round eight!
Artist Page - Danijela
Danijela joined our group during round number seven. Her photograph showed such beautiful color, composition, and the subject matter had me wanting to know more. So I popped over to her blog hrandica.blogspot.com
Although Danijela is from Slovenia, she currently resides in Germany. So, when you visit her blog don't make the same mistake I did the first few times...there is a "translate" option at the top of your page. However, what popped out to me those first few visits without understanding the text were, of course, the images. I kept going back to see more! Here photos tell their own story quite effectively. Danijela is a wonderful story teller through imagery. When I asked her to tell me a bit more about herself she revealed that she not only enjoys photography but loves to create children's art, and table decorations and centerpieces. Intriguing, right?? I can't wait to see more. If you are like me then please pop over to her blog and enjoy these submissions from past themes.
Submissions are listed from the most current to the oldest.
Theme twenty-four inspiration: Drama
Theme fourteen inspiration: Inside the Heart
Theme ten inspiration: Dreamland
And this holiday time, That is comming, WE often start Tues think about good and bad, and life. We often look back, think about What WE did right, What WE accomplished and trap year (or years), What WAS bad and What are the Plans for next year. Some people often make Big Decisions COR plan (I'm not really Into this).
I'm thinking about the world around them. The snob in high places and the small people, about justice, which is rare, about how we are apathetic, the ice melts, about the differences and diversity that exists only in our minds. Yeah, I know. I'm a little weird. I was already povedali.Večkrat.:)
I usually think about world around me. About snobs on high little Positions and people, about fairness That is RARE, notes about doing anything, That is about ice melting, about Differences That exist only and Our heads. Yes, I know. I'm a little strange. I Heard That Already. Several times. :)
I dream. This is the only thing that gave it no one can take it. You can dream of a better life (I can not complain of his). I dream of equality, about not seeing color, shape, age, past or money man. I dream about life without envy and hypocrisy.
I dream. That is one thing That no one CAN Take Away from me. I can dream about Better Life (it's not, That I'm complaining about mine). Dream about Being Equal, that see no color, no shape, no age, no trap COR to See no money of one Person. I dream about Envy no, no about Hypocrisy.
I dream at this moment captured in a photograph. Different ages, different ethnic history, different languages, different living conditions. But notice the difference? In their world, without obstajajo.To the world of children, while the fairy-tale world where dreaming.
With this dream I captured the moment on the photo. Different age, background national Different, Different languages, Different Life Conditions. Do you see the Difference?
It does not really exist and Their World. It's Children's World and my dreamland.
Theme eight inspiration: Your Favorite Song
Don't know the song? Here, take a listen.
Round seven inspiration: Full Circle
Although Danijela is from Slovenia, she currently resides in Germany. So, when you visit her blog don't make the same mistake I did the first few times...there is a "translate" option at the top of your page. However, what popped out to me those first few visits without understanding the text were, of course, the images. I kept going back to see more! Here photos tell their own story quite effectively. Danijela is a wonderful story teller through imagery. When I asked her to tell me a bit more about herself she revealed that she not only enjoys photography but loves to create children's art, and table decorations and centerpieces. Intriguing, right?? I can't wait to see more. If you are like me then please pop over to her blog and enjoy these submissions from past themes.
Submissions are listed from the most current to the oldest.
Theme twenty-four inspiration: Drama
This photo was taken of my daughter having just woken up after a midday sleep. She is afraid of flies and that you can see on the photo. She was screaming and waving with her "Nana". It was a real drama. Theme fourteen inspiration: Inside the Heart
"Inside the Heart"
To view this entry the way Danijela intended please visit her blog.
(Please excuse any errors below due to translation.)
This is the look inside my heart. Children, colours, making something (and of course the man of the house) But I Could not put houses big hands inside of this heart. (Please excuse any errors below due to translation.)
Theme ten inspiration: Dreamland
(The following is copied from Danijela's blog. The translation tool is shabby at times so please take a look at her original post here.)
In the time preceding them, which comes, most people think about life. Often, we look back to the previous year or the year tuhtamo what was good, bad, what goals we have achieved and what we failed. We are doing big plans for the future. Some made large (for individual) decisions (I'm not exactly the kind of thing).And this holiday time, That is comming, WE often start Tues think about good and bad, and life. We often look back, think about What WE did right, What WE accomplished and trap year (or years), What WAS bad and What are the Plans for next year. Some people often make Big Decisions COR plan (I'm not really Into this).
I'm thinking about the world around them. The snob in high places and the small people, about justice, which is rare, about how we are apathetic, the ice melts, about the differences and diversity that exists only in our minds. Yeah, I know. I'm a little weird. I was already povedali.Večkrat.:)
I usually think about world around me. About snobs on high little Positions and people, about fairness That is RARE, notes about doing anything, That is about ice melting, about Differences That exist only and Our heads. Yes, I know. I'm a little strange. I Heard That Already. Several times. :)
I dream. This is the only thing that gave it no one can take it. You can dream of a better life (I can not complain of his). I dream of equality, about not seeing color, shape, age, past or money man. I dream about life without envy and hypocrisy.
I dream. That is one thing That no one CAN Take Away from me. I can dream about Better Life (it's not, That I'm complaining about mine). Dream about Being Equal, that see no color, no shape, no age, no trap COR to See no money of one Person. I dream about Envy no, no about Hypocrisy.
I dream at this moment captured in a photograph. Different ages, different ethnic history, different languages, different living conditions. But notice the difference? In their world, without obstajajo.To the world of children, while the fairy-tale world where dreaming.
With this dream I captured the moment on the photo. Different age, background national Different, Different languages, Different Life Conditions. Do you see the Difference?
It does not really exist and Their World. It's Children's World and my dreamland.
Theme eight inspiration: Your Favorite Song
"Empire State of Mind"
Photograph and Story
(You can link to Danijela's post for this submission here)
(You can link to Danijela's post for this submission here)
by Danijela
Don't know the song? Here, take a listen.
Round seven inspiration: Full Circle
"Full Circle"
Artist Page,
Theme number six submissions
Here they are, round six images! It was a great turn-out! Thanks to everyone who contributed! This round's inspiration seemed to make most people think of photography. Vidya was the only artist to choose another medium. It's so interesting to see how differently our imaginations interpret a single word. I know you have all been excited to see this round too so without further ado here are the round six submissions. Oh, and remember, if you would like to know more about a particular work or artist you can visit their artist page. Thanks for visiting the ACoLab! I hope to see you for round seven!!
Round Six Inspiration - Shadow
Well, there you have it- "Shadow" as interpreted by eight different imaginations. Thanks again to everyone who participated!
As a side note, I will be posting round seven's inspiration and also have made a few changes that will help me out in posting and also help you all in promoting and future themes. I'm afraid I got a bit unorganized this go-around, sorry for the delay. I have edited the LoDown page a bit so feel free to check that out. The new changes should help me get submissions up closer to the theme's deadline. Thanks again to all participants for making this project so much fun! You are all an inspiration!!
Round Six Inspiration - Shadow
by John
"The Shadow"
2 Photographs
by Joanna (Artist page coming soon!)
by Vidya
"Night Falls"
by Ashley
"Shadows of 9 11 2001"
by Mary Jane
"Shadowy Graveyard"
by Andrea
by Angela (Artist page will be up soon)
by Anika
Well, there you have it- "Shadow" as interpreted by eight different imaginations. Thanks again to everyone who participated!
As a side note, I will be posting round seven's inspiration and also have made a few changes that will help me out in posting and also help you all in promoting and future themes. I'm afraid I got a bit unorganized this go-around, sorry for the delay. I have edited the LoDown page a bit so feel free to check that out. The new changes should help me get submissions up closer to the theme's deadline. Thanks again to all participants for making this project so much fun! You are all an inspiration!!
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